Artist Draft October 1

At TSR we pride ourselves for being a friendly place where anyone interested in creating Custom Content (CC) for The Sims can upload their creations and also get better at creating through tutorials and help from within our friendly Artist Community. We have a Wiki, creative Forums and a popular Chatroom on Skype where many of our most popular Artists hang out daily to solve problems or share experiences and knowledge. To join our Skype chats, see this thread:

A nurturing ground for Artists

TSR has always been a nurturing ground for some of the best Artists this community has ever seen, where many have started out as beginners and over time honed their skills and gathered thousands of fans and millions of downloads. The very best are recognized as Featured Artists (FA) and Select Artists (SA) here on TSR. 

Time to invite new Artists!

The Sims 4 has just been released and as with any new game release there are no Artists already invited to our FA and SA teams for the new game, giving everyone a fair chance to receive the recognition and perks that comes with it.

A quick overview of the FA/SA perks:

  • You get a free VIP membership.
  • You get a unique FA or SA Badge on your Minisite indicating your status on the site. 
  • You will be listed on the Featured/Select Artist lists, making it easy to find you among the hundreds of other Artists uploading here. 
  • You get the rights to self-approve your Creations and choose your own publication date in our Submission System. 
  • FA/SA creations are always granted the best spots on our front page.
  • Our millions of visitors can filter out FA/SA only Creations in our vast Downloads Archives.

Are you good enough to make money?

If you are good enough to receive a promotion to Featured Artist you will begin to earn money from creating CC for the game you love. We pay fixed upfront fees based on quality and creation type - some of our best FAs earn several hundred dollars per month from what is considered a hobby!

For a complete overview of the FA/SA perks please see this page:

So how can you take part?

In order to participate in our first Artist Draft set for October 1 all you need to do is submit your Sims 3 or Sims 4 Creations to our site using our Submission System (launching September 5 for Sims 4) here: Our Artist Panel are always keeping an eye out for talent so don’t worry about not being noticed! You are free to use whichever CC Tool you feel most comfortable working with and your Creations will always remain free to download for everyone at all times

What about TSR Workshop?

TSR Workshop for Sims 4 will soon be released to the public and allow for the creation of Clothing and Hairstyles with custom meshes. In the following months we will release new updates regularly as we unlock more Creation types such as Objects, Makeup, Skin tones and more.

Exciting times ahead!

Our Skype Chatrooms are already bubbling with activity among our resident Artists and many are currently playing with the game and CC. We are hard at work improving the site, creating a great Wiki resource with CC tutorials, developing TSR Workshop and building a unique CC Manager Tool to help you organize your Downloads - just to mention a few things you can look forward to in the coming weeks! 

We look forward to welcome the first Artists to our FA/SA teams on October 1st!

sveret ∙ (Spam) Dec 5, 2014

This is marked as spam

I have another great article for you if interested.
Here's it

JinxTrinity VIP ∙ Sep 17, 2014

I am so excited about this! This is really making me step up my game and trying to produce the mest cc ever!

babe.arii ∙ Sep 13, 2014


Shylaria ∙ Sep 11, 2014

So if you only create Sims you can still qualify? And is the TSR University still accepting new students?

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    Published November 15, 2022 •
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